About Department

About Fund

The Department of Public Relations and Media


The department contributes to the cultivation of various relations with various circles outside the university in accordance with agreements for cooperation between the Jordanian government and other governments, or in accordance with direct agreements between the university and regional Arab and international universities, organizations and institutions.


The Department participates in the organization and execution of activities at the university level through lectures, seminars and exhibitions and in the preparation and holding of conferences and symposia and it looks after the participants therein.


Furthermore, the department supervises the preparation, execution and distribution of information bulletins issued by the university and coordinates with other circles at the university in the preparation and execution of their printed matter. It produces the "Yarmouk Newsletter" in the English language on a monthly basis. It produced several films about the university.


The department carries out services for the reception and entertainment of university guests and documents the university printed matters, news and pictures.


It has many sections:

Media, reception and university activities, design, press and divan.

Yarmouk University

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Yarmouk university, Irbid - Jordan


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