The Executive Plan

The Executive Plan

Quality assurance in relation to human resources:

Improving the performance of the department's staff and raising their efficiency with regard to receiving guests and visitors to the university and accompanying them throughout their presence at the university, which reflects the bright image of the university. This is done by involving employees in specialized courses in the field of public relations and the art of dealing with the public and increasing the number of qualified employees in proportion to the increased workload during recent periods.

Quality assurance in relation to community development:

Expanding relations with official institutions, the local community and scientific institutions by holding meetings and inviting decision makers in these institutions to participate in the university's various activities in its respective fields.

Activating the role of the university in the local community and contributing to its development through meeting university officials with these events to demonstrate the role of the university and its importance in the development of society. This includes holding meetings with school students in different provinces of the Kingdom, especially high school students to introduce them to the various programs offered by the university and the system of admission and registration in addition to the system of the approved hours in force at the university.

Quality assurance in relation to the infrastructure:

Building and establishing a database with many lists that include institutions, official bodies, ministries, embassies, scientific institutions and banks so that it is easy for the university units to obtain through a specific link and in coordination with the University's Computer and Information Center.

Quality assurance in relation to universality:

Reactivating the screening of the university's documentary film for the university's delegations and visitors and qualifying the exhibition hall in the department by providing a modern display screen and adapting the hall and preparing it to receive visitors.

Yarmouk University

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